Learn to Install and Use Photoshop Actions

Learn to Install and Use Photoshop Actions

Good actions can save you a lot of time if you are a photographer or graphic designer. If you are a newbie premium actions can help you to achieve a look that you may not know how to yet create yourself. Actions are also great for you to learn from. Photoshop actions are steps that have been recorded by it’s creator and you can then run the steps on any photo over and over.

How to install & use Photoshop actions?

Here is how to add the action set to Photoshop, on Photoshop open your actions window (Window -> Actions). From the window that just opened, click on the icon where the arrow is pointing down and you will see a drop down menu. Choose Load Actions… Select the action set to load (.ATN) and the new action group is added to your actions list. Open the folder/group and select the action you want to run by pressing play from the bottom of the window.

How to install Photoshop actions

Action window

The actions panel

1. Stop recording the action
2. Start/continue recording
3. Run action. Choose an action and hit play to run the action. You can also run an action starting from the middle if that’s what you want
4. Create a new action set (group)
5. Create a new action. Once you create it it will start recording
6. Delete an action, set, or command

Want to create an action? Read this post: How to Create Photoshop Actions Like a Pro

Here are some actions to get started with




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