In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create a Tik Tok app style text with few simple steps. You can also directly download the text style from the end of the post and use it with Photoshop.
1. Start with the background
Add a Color Fill layer. Add Gradient Overlay to the layer from layer styles. Set the style to radial, adjust the Scale to your liking. For the outer color use: 0e0b17 and the center use: 360c21.
2. Text style
Write your text or use a vector shape. The font we used is Open Sans Extra Bold. Select white color for the text. Go to the layer styles and select Drop Shadow. Set the Blend Mode to Normal and the color to fe2c55. Adjust the distance and angle to your liking. On our demo we have the angle at 132, distance 19 and size 0.
Next select Inner Shadow. Set the Blending Mode to Normal and color to 25f4ee. The Angle is set to 132, Distance 15 and Size 0.
Simple as that, your text style is ready. Hope you enjoyed the tutorial. You can download the text style ASL file below. The download includes 3 text styles with 3 different color variations.